About the power behind the Name Blessing


Everyone’s name has a meaning, and when spoken with the blessing behind it, it can change a person’s life. For example, Jacob’s name means supplanter, undermines; grabber of the heel. He stole the birthright from his brother Esau, and had a hold of his heel when Rebekah was giving birth to these twins. Jacob was a deceiver; however, when he straightened out and wrestled with God, God changed his name to Israel which means prince. His life forever changed that day as God spoke the blessing into his life through the power of a name. Jacob was no longer the deceiving supplanter, but the Prince of God.

My son Nathanael, means gift from God, was given his name at birth because my wife and I were told that we would not to have any more children. He’s been told all his life that he’s a gift from God, and God is going to use him in a special way. “Nathanael you’re not only a gift to us, but also a gift to the world as God is going to use you in a powerful way,” we’ve told him. God has called Nathanael to be a missionary, so he will fulfill the blessing of his name as God has taught us from times passed of the great power of the spoken blessing. The spoken word is so powerful, and it can change the life of a loved one.

You too can bless your children with the power of their name. You don’t know the meaning of their name? We’ll do the leg work for you, and put the first and middle name meanings of their name together, write a blessing, give them a life verse and a life song. You can then bless them with the blessing of their name and the power of God’s word to enrich their life. Learn the life song and sing it to them and with them to add more blessing into their lives, by saying, “The words of this song apply to you, and you’re going to great things for the Lord as He empowers you with His Holy Spirit,” or something like this.

God Bless you, and may the Lord bless you through the power of your name.